


Supported by Bintang Mirai


トルコ国籍の取得/Obtaining Turkish Citizenship  

日本語(Japanese) | 英語(English) | 中国語(Chinese)


It is relatively easy for foreigners to become Turkish citizens.

Turkey allows foreigners to become citizens in certain situations - namely, marriage, residence, birth and the intention to settle in Turkey permanently.

To apply for Turkish citizenship you need to:
  • Be over the age of consent in your own country (typically 18 years of age)
  • Have lived in Turkey for at least the last five years without interruption : periods of up to six months out of the country are allowed without damaging your residence permit
  • Intend to settle in Turkey and be able to prove this with actions, such as, for example, by acquiring property
  • Be able to prove that you can support yourself and your family while in Turkey
  • Be able to speak an acceptable level of Turkish.  This is usually a simple level and very easily obtained with some minimal instruction.  This needs to be formally signed off by the Turkish consulate who will issue a certificate after an interview with the applicant.
  • Be of ‘good moral character’
  • Be of general good health, without any diseases that could harm the general population. A medical certificate can be obtained from any hospital.

Marriage to a Turkish National

If you marry a Turkish national, you will be granted Turkish citizenship after three years without having to prove
any of the above. This assumes you are living with them during this time.

(Note: A child born in Turkey does NOT have a right to Turkish citizenship unless one of their parents
is a Turkish national.)

Further exceptions

Adult children whose parent/s have lost Turkish nationality (by emigrating, for instance) can apply
Turkish citizenship when reaching the age of consent. They still need to prove the points above with the
exception of living in Turkey for the last five years and having the will to settle here. The same applies
for people of Turkish origin (Turkish minorities in the Turkic states, for example) their spouses and
any adult children, as well as anyone the Turkish government feels brings economic, scientific,
technological or artistic development to Turkey.

Where can you apply?

If you fulfill all the requirements, you can apply through the Turkish Consulate in your own country.
you are already in Turkey, you need to go through the Birth Registration and Citizenship Office.
case will be reviewed by the Turkish Interior Ministry who will interview you.

New rules to obtain Turkish citizenship

New conditions to obtain Turkish citizenship were passed in Parliament recently. The condition requiring foreigners to reside in Turkey for five years has remained, while advantages have been given to those involved in science or investing. Not doing military service and holding another country’s citizenship without permission are no longer among the reasons for being deprived of Turkish citizenship. According to the law, a child born to foreign parents in Turkey can receive Turkish citizenship if the child is not able to obtain the citizenship of his or her foreign-born parents’ country. A foreign child adopted by a Turk will now also be granted Turkish citizenship. The law brings new conditions for foreigners to obtain Turkish citizenship. The consent of a competent authority is required for a foreigner to switch to Turkish citizenship.

Foreigners can become Turkish citizens if they comply with the following conditions:
  • Foreigners must be of a mature age, have the ability to abide by their nation’s laws or Turkish laws if they are stateless.
  • Foreigners must five years of uninterrupted residency in Turkey. The time limitation had earlier been raised to five years from three, and with the new law the five-year compulsory residence remains in place.
  • Foreigners will have to confirm with their actions that they have made a decision to settle in Turkey.
  • Foreigners must be free of dangerous diseases.
  • Applicants must have good moral character, speak a reasonable level of Turkish, and earn enough to support themselves and their dependents, or have a good job.

Authority approval

Even if foreigners comply with all the conditions, they may not be able to earn citizenship if the Turkish authorities do not approve. But, with the Interior Ministry’s proposal and the decision of the Cabinet, the law offers many new advantages to foreign investors and scientists.


